# parted

Print partition table in bytes:

parted /dev/sdb print

Print partition table in sectors:

parted /dev/sdb unit s print

Print partition table free space in bytes:

parted /dev/sdb print free

Print partition table free space in sectors:

parted /dev/sdb unit s print free

Create Partitions


Unlike fdisk, every parted command executes in real time. This introduces much more room for human error that could cause data loss. I am not, nor is anyone else, responsible for any potential data loss when using parted.

Create a Primary Partition Using All Disk Space

First, if needed, create a partition table label:

parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt

Second, create the primary partition:

parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary 0 100%

After running the above command you will more than likely see the following warning message:

Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.

To dig into why this occurs, and a possible solution, I suggest you read through how to align partitions for best performance using parted.

However, as suggested in the comments in that blog post, a quicker way to ensure parted aligns the partition properly is to ensure the START and END parameters in the parted command use percentages instead of exact values.

parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary 0% 100%
